Your tiny roses are just perfect in that vase Amy. And rose scent is one I welcome in the house. I hope you can identify your daisy.

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You wouldn't be able to guess the vase was such a small scale if you hadn't told us, Amy. How lovely to discover one of them has a scent - definitely a prioriity for me in any rose. Your mystery flower looks so like a common daisy, but unless there is a bellis variety on steroids the height is against it! What is your useful checked background, Amy? ps just read Kris' comment, and agree that erigeron might be worth checking out

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I love the vase and its small roses, Amy. I'm wondering if the aster-like bloom could be some kind of Erigeron? It reminds me of flowers in that genus in any case.

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What a sweet lovely vase holding those gorgeous miniature roses....perfection!

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