Lovely. Thanks for the smiles Amy. 😃

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Mystery grondcover might be euphorbia ish? A sandmat? Or is it more succulent? A Tetragonia perhaps.

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You create such beauty in flowers, plants and containers. I'd never have thought of the plants as gold and silver and now I see it clearly. You are a magician in a very tall hat!!

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Amy, the wildflowers are transformed under your guidance into a stunning vase. The container is striking.

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When I first read the title I read it as 'bottlebrush', so these bright yellow daisies were a bit of a surprise! Your unidentified groundcover is proving useful and it must be exciting to see what comes up after it rains! How many unpacked boxes do you still have?

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Your unidentified groundcover is very attractive, Amy. I can't place it either. You'll have to let us know what it is when you solve that mystery.

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